The "News & Events" section of our website is a source of raising information and contains the 'Latest News', publications, news and activities relating to the latest 12-month period. Still, registered under "New & News Archive» there are available respectively issues from prior periods. Also, separately as "News Letters», you will find, per year, information at regular intervals, releases of our parent company PENETRON INTERNATIONAL, originally in English. We hope to be soon possible, the published translated version of these Newsletters, as well as the Greek version with Press Releases from SouthEast Europe, area under the surveillance of ​​PENETRON HELLAS.

The global experience of PENETRON in Waterproofing and Protection of Concrete, enables the company to gather all this information and knowledge to Newsletters, providing to the professionals of industry, a reliable source of information on recent developments, studies, applications, as well as scientific papers, related with the technologies which PENETRON is involved. It is possible to register in PENETRON INTERNATIONAL’s Newsletter by following the relevant procedure.


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